CIRCLES (2020) - 13 screenprinted prints

Inspired by “"The Sheltering Sky”" by Paul Bowles, This series of designs also nourrished the Travel Journal made around Tanger.

“He was at the edge of a realm where each thought, each image, had an arbitrary existence, where the connection between each thing and the next had been cut. (…) It seemed to him that here was an untried variety of thinking, in which there was no necessity for a relationship with life. (…) a gratuitous fact, like a painting of pure design. (…) In front of his eyes clusters of round spots were being born; they were the little spots that result when a photographic cut in a newspaper is enlarged many times. Lighter agglomerations, darker masses, small regions of inhabited space here and there.”

THE STONE THAT WEIGHS (2019, on going) - 2 patterns, 30 screenprints

What freedom do we have left, surrounded by the weight of ages, stones of our ancestors.